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Courtship of Christ

It was about 4:00 in the afternoon and a light wind was blowing across the foothills. Air pressure was high; you could smell some dust in the air and the sun was just beginning to cast interesting shadows.

Two travelers moved down the road with slow treads and heavy hearts. Recalling the events of their last few days, confusion gripped them. Sorrow overtook them. Hope had left them with nothing to hold onto. They felt they were worse off than before they had met Jesus when in reality, that which they were hoping for had now become secure.

It was finished – the work of God for salvation and redemption. The restoration of Israel, indeed of all people, had been provided and Life was now an option.
Jesus came to comfort them on their walk toward Emmaus. To do that he explained to them all that had recently passed using Scriptures, explaining teachings to them which had previously meant nothing. He showed them, from the beginning, how each prophet – in the Spirit – had pointed directly to him.
It is all about

- Jesus -

To miss the importance of Jesus means that perhaps you have not yet invited him into your home, as the travelers did.
They did not know who they were talking to at the time they invited him to come and stay with them, and when I first invited him, I did not know either. He’s still surprising me after all these years as I have learned to invite him into my thoughts, my work, my emotions and my decisions. But it was after the invitation that their eyes were opened to him.
They saw him in the Scriptures; they saw him in the breaking of the bread; they saw him at their table. They saw him after the invitation, as do I. I think that’s the way it most often happens. I encourage you – if on your journey you become aware of this kind presence near you, engage him with honesty and hospitality. Invite him to walk with you, to talk and to stay with you.
Listen to what he has to say, and be prepared for the joy of experiencing the best relationship you will ever know. God’s plan for us goes deeper than our knowing about Jesus; he wants us to experience him. He wants us to understand how much he loves us and desires to be in relationship with us. It takes a little time, but no other pursuit will yield such incredible and unexpected results.

I invite you to experience more of the Lord.

– Father, Son and Holy Spirit –

Through the stories and through the tools I will share.

He is only an invitation away.

Why do I call it courtship?

The purpose of courtship is to grow in knowledge of one another with the intention of permanent commitment. Christ wants to be known, and he makes the Father known to us. One of the ways he does that is through the names of God given in the Bible which show an ever-increasing revelation of God, from the power of the Creator in Genesis to the Love in the ministry of Jesus to God the Trinity who lives with us in Revelation as our light and our temple.

His desire is to restore full and intimate relationships between himself and his people, as it was in the beginning. He is committed to that and is constantly calling us to join him. His intention is permanent because he does not change.


The Entries & Excerpts category records many memories of my own encounters with the Holy Trinity.
The Exercises & Resources category will hopefully provide material to help you have your own encounters.
The Guest Corner is where your encounters can be shared with others.

From the two decades of my youth in Georgia, another two decades raising and homeschooling two children, then fourteen years working as a Captain and ASA sailing instructor in the Caribbean, to my current work in health care / emotional healing, I have been blessed with a measure of awareness of the God who gives us Life. I am grateful that he shares himself – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – with any of us who pursue him. I am grateful that he pursues us, and shares himself with any of us who respond to him.

This relationship is possible because He is alive. God is not a set of rules or ‘shoulds’ or morals or tenets. Nor is he defined by our expectations gleaned from our experiences with others or encounters with him. God is the Giver of Life, fresh and new, creative and abundant. Eternal. Life with him starts the moment we step into participation with him. What a joyful privilege! I am a recipient of that gift and I use it every day.

I do not think that a relationship with him makes me special – I think He is special. I do not think the fact that I have stories to share makes me special because so many people have them. I do think that now is a good time to share our stories of our amazing God, of his incredible power and his unfailing love. Send me YOUR story – I love to worship God that way!

Judy James


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Res enim fortasse verae, certe graves.

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